The Good Shepherd

Our regular worship services

first sunday of the month. 8.30am
A combined services that celebrates the diverse nature of our congregations. We use a PowerPoint, sing a mixture of modern and traditional hymns, and finish with tea, coffee and biscuits.
first sunday of the month. 8.30am

2nd - 5th Sunday of the month 7am
A more traditional service, which uses the 2nd order from APBA. On the 2nd and 4th Sunday we are led in a sung Eucharist by Fr Edwin. Our hymns tend to more traditional in nature.
Pew Bulletins, rosters, downloads.

2nd - 5th Sunday of the month 9am
A more modern family oriented service. We usually have a kids talk and some craft, and tend to be less formal, but still taking faith seriously. Please make time to join us for tea, coffee and biscuits after the service.

Wednesday service 9am
A traditional midweek service, that whilst small is very friendly.
We sing a few hymns, Share scripture and the Eucharist, and then fellowship in the hall with coffee, laughter and a reasonable amount of story telling.